The Artistic Power Of Money
How do money and power influence art? Why are these fundamental building blocks shaping the world in which we live? Theopi Skarlatos reports.
BBC, World Service, The Cultural Frontline
Essay on Grexit
With the Greek Prime Minister engaged in a dangerous game of bluff with the Eurozone, filmmaker, Theopi Skarlatos sends her reflections from Greece.
BBC, Radio 4, Today
Clean Up Your Act
Greece is finally ending the conditions of its third EU bailout and after eight years of financial crisis its economy is expected to expand. But there's scepticism about when improvement will be seen on the streets. Theopi Skarlatos reports.
From Our Own Correspondent, BBC Radio 4
Fighting 'Sexual Cleansing'
For some among the Luo tribe in Western Kenya, tradition dictates that widows must have repeated, unprotected sex with a stranger to rid themselves of evil spirits. Theopi Skarlatos meets the women fighting back.
From Our Own Correspondent, BBC Radio 4